I think we’ve all fantasized about fucking a porn star at least once. I know I do it every time I watch porn as well as when I close my eyes at night. When I came across this 59% off discount to Jays POV, it was like a breath of fresh air. This is a site that lets you sit in the driver’s seat and see what it would be like to get the attention you crave.
Jay Rock has been able to fuck all the hottest starlets in the industry. Luckily for us, he films it all from his perspective, so you’ll get to put yourself in his shoes. There are 190+ videos in this collection as well as 175+ photo sets that are sure to blow your mind. The entire library downloads and streams in spectacular 4K that makes even the smallest details crystal clear. Jay also uses a fish-eye lens that enhances the assets of these gorgeous girls. This is the kind of deal you’ll want to jump on right away before it expires.